
Monday, November 4, 2019

"Heartbeat" bills

PA Lawmakers Introduce Heartbeat Bill 

"'Since a heartbeat denotes the end of life, obviously, logically, scientifically, it denotes, clearly, the beginning of life. So anytime there’s a heartbeat up until death, that baby needs to be left alone," Mastriano said."

That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. Firstly, a heartbeat does not equal life. Brainwaves equal life. 

Secondly, when I saw Grayson's "heartbeat" at 8 weeks, she looked like a turtle amoeba. She looked nothing like a baby. The cells that were "beating" looked nothing like a heart. Everything was all over the place.

Fetal ultrasound at 8 weeks

Can you see that? Can you see the turtle? Underneath the turtle/blob/amoeba is a bunch of cells. Some of those cells were flickering and pulsing. Those are the cells that become parts of the heart. 

I was 8 weeks pregnant when I got this ultrasound. 
That means that I was 8 weeks past my last period. 
That embryo is about 6 weeks along, because conception and last menstrual period are two different things. 
Some women conceive and miscarry without even knowing it. 
An embryo has the potential to become a living thing, but also has the potential to not become a living thing. 

I am now over 20 weeks along. I have the legal right to terminate this pregnancy up until week 24. We have not done all of our testing and measurements yet. We don't know if there is some hidden problem. We assume there is not. We assume she'll become a living thing. 

A "heartbeat" bill is ridiculous and violates the rights of women. Even calling it a "heartbeat" bill is manipulative. 

One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

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