
Monday, December 9, 2019

Holidays (year 0)

This is the first holiday season where we are thinking about how next year is going to be completely different. Last year was just fun and goofy. This year, we're starting to think about baby.

What presents will she want when she's 10 months old? How big might she be? What can we get her this year before she's born that will grow with her?

One of our family traditions is for everyone to get at least one book and a new set of pjs on Xmas eve. It's cute and silly. One of the presents this year is a book for Grayson, even though she isn't here yet.

I've been thinking a lot about what holidays and family traditions we'll want to celebrate with her.

We want to raise her to embrace her Jewish side since her other mom is Jewish and her Bubbe and Bubba (that's what he wanted to be called) are going to be a big part of her life.

I'm Pagan/agnostic so I would like to introduce Grayson to the more nature-based holidays as well as world myths, which is why so many global trickster tales are on the baby registry. My dad and stepmom (Grayson's Nonno and Nonna) are agnostic-ish as well, but they celebrate holidays; and my family does a big Easter celebration every year. My spouse (Grayson's uncle) is Pagan as well, but happily celebrates the materialistic gift-giving holiday of the winter, whatever that holiday is.

Grayson's dad is Christian, and his parents (Grayson's Babchi and Pop-pop) are big with holidays, especially Christmas.

I have no idea what next Winter Holiday Season will look like. I have a feeling it is going to be busy and exhausting.

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