Something we knew early on and finally confirmed: Robin is autistic.
This is no surprise at all and, mentally, I understand this. I have resources. I've done research. It's thoroughly probable that I'm autistic as well, based on my research. Robin's two cousins are autistic and we know there is a genetic component.
Emotionally, I'm confused. I want what's best for Robin. I want them to succeed in life. They're not "autistic enough" to need a specialized classroom. But they are autistic and will need supports to succeed.
We looked at a private school that we really liked. We thought Robin would do very well there. The school thought otherwise and we did not get in. We had put all our eggs in this one basket and now we're trying to find another solution. Public school is not an option for us. None of us think that Robin would do well in public school.
I'm just... confused and sad at this point. Obviously, I want my child to be happy and healthy. I don't want them to go to a school that doesn't see the amazing person they are. But I also thought that we had found a place that would see the potential. I'm sad that there are people out there who don't see Robin's amazing potential. Robin is so smart, especially when it comes to mechanical and kinaesthetic learning.
I feel like I'm to blame. Clearly, genetics is at play. I also know that I was resistant to preschool/daycare because we didn't need it. Robin goes to a half-day, twice a week program currently and is doing very well interacting with the other kids who attend. Robin isn't even the only autistic kid who attends. I just wonder if there is something else I should have done to prepare Robin for school, but then again, they're not even four yet.